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Open Gardens for Wildlife in Wellesbourne - 2025

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Visit, learn and enjoy 12 or more residential gardens, and 4 (or more) community spaces, who grow plants and make space for nature.

Visit, learn and enjoy 12 or more residential gardens, and 4 (or more) community spaces, who grow plants and make space for nature.

Find out how and share ideas for gardening, with wildlife in mind.

Please note that this event this is part of sustainable Wellesbourne and all proceeds go to charity, or are invested in nature locally.

Tickets from Wellesbourne Methodist Church Hall, Bridge St or Chedham’s Yard on the Saturday or Sunday, or Twitey’s Glamping, Lower Farm Lane, Hunscote on the Sunday only.

£5 per day / £8 for both days (when purchased on Saturday only).

For extra information about accessibility and parking, please email

Date: 31st May 2025.

Location: Wellesbourne Methodist Church Hall Bridge St

Cost: £5 per day / £8 weekend ticket

Time: 09:00 - 15:00