Why is this important?
Transport is the largest source of carbon emissions in the county, accounting for 44% of emissions in 2019 (our baseline year). Whilst the quantity from the transport sector in Warwickshire has remained stable over recent decades, the relative importance of tackling these emissions has steadily increased, due to a fall in emissions from other sectors.
As the transport authority in Warwickshire, we have a key role to reduce transport emissions. Not only will we need to lead the way by reducing the emissions from the Council’s vehicle fleet, but we must prioritise more sustainable travel options that can reduce private car use and inspire behaviour change in others. In selecting options, we will also need to reflect the different challenges and barriers for rural areas versus towns.
We want surface transport across the county to have zero-carbon and minimal air quality emissions. We will achieve this by increasing the use of sustainable modes of transport, with residents having access to zero-carbon transport options, as well as encouraging active travel.
What we need to do
1a. Reduce the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) and air quality pollutants emitted from journeys made by Warwickshire residents and businesses.
1b. Reduce the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emitted because of Council-related travel.
1c. Improve resilience of our transport system through climate change adaptation.
For more information on transport, see pages 18-20 of the Sustainable Futures Strategy (PDF, 1 MB). You may also be interested in Warwickshire’s Local Transport Plan 4 (PDF, 14 MB), which sets out more information on transport interventions over the next decade or so. It includes six sub-strategies focused on Active Travel, Public Transport, Safer Travel, Motor Vehicles, Managing Space and Freight.