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Take part in a climate change focus group in 2023

Warwickshire County Council is looking for community-minded residents to take part in a climate change focus group later in the month.

Residents who want to shape the future direction of travel in relation to climate change and the draft Sustainable Futures Strategy are being sought by Warwickshire County Council to join a focus group.

Participants on the focus group will be asked to read the executive summary of the draft Sustainable Futures Strategy in advance of a 1.5 hour online meeting on an evening later this month, which will take place via the Microsoft Teams platform.

The Executive Summary of the Sustainable Futures Strategy, can be found here: 

Residents wishing to make an expression of interest to be part of this focus group should complete the following Microsoft Form:

Please note that places on the focus group are limited and completing this form does not guarantee residents a place. If the group is over-subscribed, then names will be selected randomly from each District or Borough to take part to make sure the Council can hear from people from across the County.

The Council will be in touch over the next few weeks to let residents know if they have been selected.

People who want to have their say on how Warwickshire County Council tackles climate change but who don't have the time to join this focus group can still give their feedback on the draft strategy until the 15 January 2023 via the online survey at:

The complete draft strategy is available here:

The results of the survey and feedback gathered through the focus groups will inform the development of a final Sustainable Futures Strategy to be taken to Warwickshire County Council’s Cabinet in Spring 2023.

Cllr Heather Timms, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate & Culture, said: “We are very excited to share our new Sustainable Futures Strategy because it sets out our direction of travel as a Council for years to come. We hope that our residents are equally enthused by the opportunity that this presents them and that many will take the opportunity to volunteer to be a part of this focus group in January.

“This strategy is a sharing of our plans for rising to the challenge of mitigating our planet’s changing climate, but it also embracing sustainability in its widest sense. This includes how we want to build sustainable communities and develop the green economy across Warwickshire and how we plan to protect and increase our precious biodiversity and habitats.

“Sharing this Strategy with the people of Warwickshire is particularly important because sustainability is something we can’t do alone. We are keen to work in partnership and collaboration with the communities of Warwickshire as we deliver this, so I hope as many people as possible will give us their views.”

For more information about how Warwickshire County Council is facing the challenges of the climate change emergency, visit:

To sign-up to the Warwickshire County Council climate change and sustainability newsletter, visit:  

Published: 5th January 2023