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Building a sustainable future for Warwickshire

The latest episode of the Sustainable Warwickshire podcast explores what the Warwickshire County Council Sustainable Futures Strategy means for local communities and businesses.

Listen to this episode here: Building a Sustainable Future for Warwickshire | Sustainable Warwickshire (

Following the approval and publication of the Sustainable Futures Strategy, the podcast features a discussion between Cllr Heather Timms, the council’s Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture and Sarah Stear, the council’s Head of Climate Change and Sustainability.

The Sustainable Futures Strategy, which was approved by WCC’s Cabinet in November 2023, outlines the plans for the Council to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030 and to support the whole of Warwickshire to achieve the same by 2050.

Discussions in the podcast cover the importance of collaboration and engagement across Warwickshire in achieving sustainability goals; the need for a clear and consistent message about climate change; the challenges inherent in implementing the Sustainable Futures Strategy; and some of the challenges that lie ahead, such as changing attitudes and behaviours, securing funding, and leveraging technology effectively.

Despite the challenges, the discussion ends on a positive note, expressing hope that the Sustainable Futures Strategy can make a real difference in tackling climate change and creating a more sustainable future for Warwickshire.

Cllr Heather Timms, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture, said: “Our Sustainable Futures Strategy represents the culmination of months of hard work, not only from officers but also partners and other stakeholders, all of whom have major parts to play in supporting our commitment to reducing our own emissions to net zero by 2030 and to supporting the entire county to do the same by 2050.

“Despite the challenges ahead, I have a great deal of hope and optimism that this strategy can make a real difference in tackling climate change and creating a more sustainable future for Warwickshire.”

You can find the Sustainable Warwickshire podcast on Spotify or Apple by searching for “Sustainable Warwickshire”. All episodes are also available at:   

The Council recently launched a pledge campaign to ask residents to commit to making small lifestyle changes for the environment:

For more information on climate change, visit

To sign-up to the Warwickshire County Council climate change and sustainability newsletter, visit:  

Published: 20th December 2023