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Cabinet strengthens support for electric vehicle adoption

Warwickshire County Council’s commitment to achieving net zero across the county has taken a step forward as Cabinet approved a new EV (Electric Vehicle) Parking Policy.

This policy allows the council to make on-street EV charging bays ‘EV-Only’.  They can currently be used by all car types. Limiting availability to charging EVs only will enhance their availability for EV drivers across the county.

The updated parking policy comes as electric vehicle ownership in the region continues to steadily increase and directly aligns with the council’s transport and environmental aims of prioritising sustainable travel and reducing harmful emissions.

Cllr Jan Matecki, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning, said: The ownership of electric vehicles has dramatically increased in Warwickshire since we first started designating parking bays for their use. Now, we need more parking bays that are solely for EV use not only to reflect that but also to encourage more drivers to make the switch to electric.

"Encouraging and increasing the use of an electric vehicle is key to our commitment to achieving Net Zero Carbon, as a county, by 2050 and this policy change clearly demonstrates our commitment to delivering a sustainable future for Warwickshire.”

Key points of the new EV Parking Policy include:

Accessibility: Designating on-street EV chargepoint bays as 'EV Only' will support resident and visitor access to this increasingly essential infrastructure.

Enforcement and compliance: Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) will support the "EV only" designation, facilitating enforcement against non-electric vehicles parked in these spaces. All variations to TROs will continue to be subject to the usual public consultation process. 

Sustainability: Encouraging EV use is pivotal in lowering transport emissions and achieving Warwickshire's Net Zero carbon ambitions.

The Council aims to collaborate with chargepoint operators to optimize EV charging accessibility, and prioritising areas with limited off-street parking. The new policy contributes to greater equality in EV charging access for all county residents and visitors.

The Council is also encouraging residents to suggest locations for EV charging points and anyone can make a location suggestion by visiting  Request a new electric charging point – Warwickshire County Council or calling 01926 410 410.

The EV pages of the Warwickshire County Council website can be found here with lots of useful information:

The location of all available charge points in Warwickshire and beyond is available on: Zap Map

For more information about how Warwickshire County Council is facing the challenges of the climate change emergency, visit:

To sign-up to the Warwickshire County Council climate change and sustainability newsletter, visit:  

Published: 12th March 2024