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There is less than a week to give your views to help shape the recovery of nature in Warwickshire.

The public engagement period for Warwickshire’s Nature Recovery Strategy will close on Sunday 29 September 2024.

Have your say today:

Warwickshire County Council in partnership with the Local Nature Partnership is seeking support from residents, businesses, and community groups to shape the development of a new Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for the county.

The Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull Local Nature Partnership is a partnership of local organisations with the purpose of driving positive change for the natural environment and have offered to help prepare the LNRS by reaching out their members and contacts.

The LNRS is a key strategy that will outline a roadmap for restoring and improving Warwickshire's natural environment ensuring that it is sustainable now and for future generations.

The survey asks all the county’s stakeholders – from businesses to schools – to give their overall thoughts on natural environments and biodiversity, to think about their local area and which areas of the recovery of our natural world that they think should be prioritised.

Cllr Heather Timms, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture said: “Warwickshire's natural world is facing grave challenges! We have seen year-on-year declines in wildlife populations and habitats, and this strategy will be crucial in reversing those trends. But we can't do this alone. We need everyone to get involved and share their ideas for a healthier, more vibrant natural environment.

"I hope as many people in Warwickshire as possible will take this opportunity to give us their views before the survey closes on Sunday!"

England is widely considered to be one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world following historic and ongoing declines. Government has made legally binding commitments to end these declines and for nature to recover.

This is important for nature’s own sake and for all the things that we rely on nature for, like clean water and food production. For nature to recover, targeted, co-ordinated and collaborative action will be required.

To further drive the recovery of nature in the UK, Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are a government policy that was included in the Environment Act (2021).

As a part of this policy, government selected 48 responsible authorities across the UK to manage these in their local area with support from the Districts and Boroughs. Warwickshire County Council is the responsible authority for Warwickshire LNRS and will receive a share of a £14million funding pot, enabling it to work with local communities to develop a tailored nature recovery strategy for Warwickshire.

The development of Warwickshire’s own LNRS is essential and will identify key priorities for nature recovery in the county, propose practical actions to achieve these priorities and contribute to a national network of nature recovery strategies across England.

The public engagement campaign will end at midnight on Sunday September 29 2024 and residents are encouraged to complete an online survey, which will ask for feedback on priorities for nature recovery and potential actions that could be taken to support these.

Have your say now:

Find out more about local nature recovery strategies here:   

For more on about the Local Nature Partnership here:

For more information about how Warwickshire is facing the challenges of the climate change emergency, visit:

Get the latest news about how Warwickshire County Council and partners are facing the challenge of the climate emergency and how you can get involved:

Published: 23rd September 2024