Giving Warwickshire’s natural world helping hands to recover
It’s great news for everyone as Warwickshire County Council is awarded the role of helping the county’s natural world to recover.
To further drive the recovery of nature in the UK, Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are a new government policy that was included in the Environment Act (2021).
As a part of this policy, government selected 48 responsible authorities across the UK to manage these in their local area with support from the Districts and Boroughs. Warwickshire County Council is the responsible authority for Warwickshire LNRS and will receive a share of a £14million funding pot, enabling it to work with local communities to develop a tailored nature recovery strategy for Warwickshire.
Warwickshire’s nature recovery strategy will help communities to map out the action that is needed in their area to restore nature. Over a 12 to 24-month period, the Council with the Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull Local Nature Partnership (WCS LNP) will be working closely with local people from farmers to school children, to ensure as many views as possible are represented in the finalised strategy. The Council will also work with the neighbouring responsible authorities to ensure all the LNRSs throughout the county join together to create a cohesive nationwide framework.
When complete, these Strategies from across the UK will be a key way of measuring and meeting government’s England-wide nature recovery targets.
Cllr Heather Timms, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture, said: "At Warwickshire County Council we have a long and proud history of acting as responsible stewards of the county’s natural world.
“Through initiatives such as our UK-renowned developer biodiversity net gain scheme, adopt a wildflower verge, our commitment to planting a tree for every resident and the underpinning of this with the creation of a local authority-run tree nursery, we are working every day to actively assist nature in recovering across Warwickshire.
“It is fantastic news that Warwickshire has been selected by government to act as responsible authority for Warwickshire’s nature recovery strategy and we are looking forward to working closely with partners in our district and boroughs and stakeholders across the county as we strive, together, for our vision of a Warwickshire that is sustainable now and for future generations.”
Find out more about local nature recovery strategies here:
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