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Works set to start on improvements St John’s Church footbridge in Kenilworth

A popular path across a footbridge between Clarke’s Avenue and Farmer Ward Road in Kenilworth is to be improved by a scheme jointly funded by Warwickshire County Council and Kenilworth Town Council.

Works are expected to start on Monday 20th March with an anticipated completion by 28th March.  The footbridge will be closed for the duration of the works.  An alternative pedestrian route will be available via Clarke's Avenue, Warwick Road, Birches Lane and Farmer Ward Road.

The works will be undertaken by the County Council’s Highways Contractor – Balfour Beatty Living Places.

In June 2022, residents of Kenilworth were invited to share their views on the proposed improvements; widening and resurfacing of the path to create a shared use route for walking and cycling, and removal of barriers. Over 100 responses were received, with a strong level of support for the proposals.

Some minor changes were made to the design in response to the local feedback and additional design work was commissioned to provide connections on either side of the path, including cycle routes to the new Kenilworth School site. 

Warwickshire County Councillor Wallace Redford, Portfolio Holder for Transport & Planning said: “I am really pleased to be working in partnership with Kenilworth Town Council to provide a more attractive and useable connection between east and west Kenilworth for people of all ages and abilities.  We want residents in Kenilworth, including school children, to be able to choose to walk and cycle for short, local journeys. We are working hard to improve and extend the active travel opportunities in the town.”

Andrew Milton, Chair of Kenilworth Town Council’s Cycle Delivery Group, said: “It’s fantastic to see this project coming to fruition. It’s a small step but a great example of how collaboration between different councils and our local community can help makes things happen. We need to do much more to really enable safe, active travel in our town for everyone but this is a great place to start.”

Further information about this project is available online at  

Warwickshire County Council has been rated strong by Active Travel England for its commitment to active travel. Find out more:

Find out more about active travel in Warwickshire on the new active travel webpages

Published: 13th March 2023