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Go Green this Black Friday
This Black Friday – 24 November – the Warwickshire Waste Partnership is urging residents to think green and commit to buying less to help the environment.
Helping Warwickshire be Better Prepared this Flood Action Week
Warwickshire residents can become better prepared for flooding, with advice from the Environment Agency this Flood Action Week.
Council ranked amongst the best in West Midlands for Sustainability
Warwickshire County Council has been rated amongst the top local authorities for sustainability by the West Midland’s Local Authority Sustainability Benchmark 2023..
Turning food waste into green energy in Warwickshire
Warwickshire County Council has awarded a new contract for the County’s food waste to be turned into green energy by Severn Trent Green Power.
Warwickshire takes next strides towards net zero as Cabinet approves Sustainable Futures Strategy
Warwickshire County Council’s Cabinet today approved the Sustainable Futures Strategy and its supporting delivery plan.
Let’s talk about…Speed for Brake Road Safety Week 2023
Warwickshire County Council’s Road Safety Education Team is supporting Brake Road Safety Week which takes place between 19 and 25 November 2023.
Warwickshire Country Parks celebrates achievements in ‘Our Year 2022-2023’ report
Warwickshire County Council has published ‘Our Year 2022-23', the first publication summarising all that has happened in Warwickshire’s Country Parks over the past year.
Work set to begin on new crossing on Radford Road in Leamington Spa
Work on a new signal-controlled pedestrian and cycle crossing is due to start on Radford Road in Leamington Spa on Monday 6 November.
Developing future skills in Warwickshire to meet ambitions for net zero
It’s estimated that, by 2050, four out of five jobs in the UK will be supporting the transition to net zero. The latest episode of the Sustainable Warwickshire podcast features a discussion about the change needed to develop a workforce with the future skills to deliver on net zero ambitions, the opportunities for individuals and the economy and what support is already available for businesses in Warwickshire.
Warwickshire Buses: The new name for the bus service improvement partnership across Warwickshire
Buses are good for our health, good for the economy and good for the environment and Warwickshire is committed to making them better!